Ofsted and Performance - ¹Ü¼ÒÆÅһФһÂë×ÊÁÏ´óÈ«


Ofsted and Performance

¹Ü¼ÒÆÅһФһÂë×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« (MHS) is a non-selective girls’ school with a fully comprehensive, diverse intake of students. 24% of our students qualify for Pupil Premium (additional funding for disadvantaged students); 14% of students have a special educational need; 52% of students come from a minority ethnic group; and 46% speak English as an additional language.

MHS is rated amongst the top 20% of secondary schools nationally for attainment and progress, which means that students of all prior attainment, whatever their starting point, make outstanding progress at MHS - our progress 8 score is 0.41. The school is also in the top 20% nationally for the full range of subjects: English, maths, science, EBacc, creative, vocational and practical subjects.

In addition, the 2023 A Level results for our successful and growing co-educational V6 Sixth Form showed another strong year of outcomes with top grades and outstanding destinations. One in five grades was awarded A or A*.

Clicking on the below links will direct you away from this website, and directly to the DfE or Ofsted site. These sites will open in a new browser window for ease of navigation.

Department for Education School Performance Tables

Please use the below link to be redirected to our DfE Performance Table page.

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Ofsted Report

Our school was rated Outstanding by Ofsted from 2010-2022, when it was downgraded. You can read the inspection report .

A further monitoring visit took place on 6 December 2022. You can read the inspection report .

We are working hard to bring about the improvements needed and are pleased that Ofsted found early signs of progress during a monitoring inspection in December 2022.

Everyone at MHS is determined to ensure the school swiftly returns to excellence in all areas of its provision, offering a safe and nurturing environment in which young people can succeed academically and thrive in every aspect of their lives.